LaceyField Louth The Home of Eastfield Infants’ and Nursery Academy & Lacey Gardens Junior Academy

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant

The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated by local authorities, or the DfE, to publicly funded schools and academies with pupils between Foundation Stage 2 and Year 11, on roll in January of each year, that are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years (so-called Ever 6 Pupils).

Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to their underlying budget, in a way they think will best support raising the-achievement of funded pupils in comparison with their non-Pupil Premium peers within the school and nationally, whatever their academic starting point and potential. Whilst we recognise that eligible children are referred to as ‘disadvantaged’ by Ofsted in reports, we prefer to use the terms ‘Pupil Premium’ or ‘Pupil Premium Plus’ because of their more positive connotations.

Schools are now accountable to the LA Virtual School Headteacher for the ways in which funding is spent, so it may be held back until the VSH is satisfied with the school’s plans in respect of each pupil. The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium will support us in achieving our overall vision.


For more information on our Pupil Premium Grants, please use the links below:

Eastfield Infants’ and Nursery Academy Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 24/25

Lacey Gardens Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 24/25

Previous Academic Years:

Lacey Gardens Pupil Premium Strategy 19/20

Lacey Gardens Pupil Premium Review 19/20

Lacey gardens Pupil Premium Strategy 2021

Lacey Gardens Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 21/22

LGJA PP Strategy Statement 2023/24

Eastfield Pupil Premium Strategy 19/20

Eastfield Pupil Premium Review 19/20

Eastfield Pupil Premium Strategy 2021

Eastfield Infants Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 21/22

EINA PP Strategy Statement 2023/24


The Objectives of Pupil Premium Spending

The Pupil Premium Grant has been used to raise attainment and to narrow the gap between pupil groups.

A significant amount of additional funding has been allocated to the school and we are determined to ensure that it has maximum impact. Analysis of internal and external pupil-level data, historical attainment and progress rates, and huge amount of qualitative data was undertaken to ensure that these funds are used to maximum effect.
We have also used existing researches and publications including those from the Ofsted Good Practice series, and findings of studies undertaken by the Sutton Trust to enable us to make decisions relating to provisions.

We have endeavoured to ensure that our phonics teaching is improved by ensuring 100% of our staff (teachers and support staff) have received comprehensive training. We also facilitated additional teaching assistant time to implement necessary 1:1 reading intervention.

We have sought external organisations and identified opportunities for children to have an enriched and enhanced experience of the curriculum. Investigative projects in mathematics, artistic and musical performances, and sporting experiences are just a few of the curriculum enrichment areas we focused on this year